In this new business paradigm that is emerging, there is a calling for businesses to work differently, and, at a deeper level, for human beings to be different!
For business leaders to understand and explore their own being, the inner intelligence, wisdom within, for the art of being, leading to more productivity and more profit, does not lie within the business systems and structures, that have until now, sustained a false sense of Self.
For business leaders to know that there is so much more to themselves and their leadership positioning and to seek this and the depth of meaning and purpose, their WHY, so that they can thrive and flourish and lead in a completely new way.
For business leaders to stop identifying with the human programming that places everyone into a box, for boxes create separation and divide. A box where everyone has to be the same, act the same, think the same.... if we are all in a box, there can be no out of the box thinking! This way is calling for leaders to lead, not follow.
To step away from the fear based structures and systems that have created out of date definitions of success, and a robotic concept of leadership that leads to a false sense of Self, a limited Self, a diminished Self, for in this there is pain that creates stress, distress, dis-ease, depression, and feeling unable to continue to function. Where there is no flourishment in the conditioned concepts that the leader is conditioned and controlled to become, the sense of being is depleted into those emotions that eventually affects mindful health. In this new business paradigm and changing times this is no longer acceptable.
In your leadership I invite you to consider:
I offer leadership change consultancy and education through unique strategies that are an interception of spirituality and business that seeks to return the true spirit of success to business leadership. I work with CEOs, influential leaders, decision makers and high level entrepreneurs through their pain into their purpose to bring out the potential within. That potential is to be a different person, to be a different professional and create from a completely different dynamic.
To create success, sustainability and certainty, through a five-step navigational process that places the investment in productivity and profit onto the leader and the people, through the promotion of potential, which leads to complete company change.
The art of being in business is a unique spirited strategy that offers a new strategic approach and a new marketing mix. If you want to be a conscious leader this strategy will elevate your consciousness which is a requirement to lead and create a workplace that works this way.
The strategic outcome is business profitability, sustainability and success.
It is the only strategy you need for ensuring business certainty in these uncertain times.
My philosophy is when you eliminate pain you create gain.
You can turn your pain into potential.
When you eliminate the pain of being stressed, unfulfilled, a sense of unhappiness and disease, in conflict or in crisis, either with the company or yourself, when you alleviate that - you elevate your Self.
The elevation of the emotion, the elevation of the mind, the elevation of the human spirit, allows the creation of aspiration, innovation, inspiration.
The igniting of emotion brings forth the passion and desire to be in your purpose, to be in your potential, to be unlimited in your productivity and profit.
When a person is inspired to be productive, they become profitable not through exploitation, but alleviated from the stressors, elevated into the evolution of their potential through an ability to relate to themselves, to relate to the company, to relate to the position, to relate to all the people through being an investor in these concepts for complete company change.
The current workplace and leadership culture that I have experienced, often places people and their potential into dis-ease.
In many of the workplace and leadership concepts and structures today there is a loss of individual potentiality through the loss of being able to relate to ourself and to others. It has created a disease that creates pain, it is a corporate and company curse that comes from fear:
When fear is prevalent it becomes conflictual, there is a lack of clarity, there is conflict, there is crisis, there is challenge and when this is in the workforce, pain is also prevalent. When there is limited health in the workplace it breeds a culture of dis-ease, and this disease becomes a prominent dynamic.
Through my own painful experiences in the workplace, I became aware of the dissatisfaction, the dis-ease, the pain, the anxiety, the stress, the disassociation, the denial, the fear, and the diminishment of human potential through the way it is. I knew that the mindful illness that was all around me was through losing a state of being, a sense of being, a sense of Self. The pain increased the further one climbed the corporate ladder in direct correlation to the increase in pressure to conform to a way of being, adhere to a set of predefined expectations, that are not aligned with the natural attributes, persona, personality of a person, a way of leadership that holds no intellectual consciousness. The pain was through losing the concepts, that I now ask my clients to consider for change.
In our world of analysing, psychology, psychotherapy, (and whilst I do not dispute the power of these philosophies) there is success in simplicity. Through setting time and space and seeking inwards, the being in the human knows the answer, the intellect is inside and often does not need the therapy.
I was certainly unconscious in my leadership and so I am so delighted and excited, to see a growing collective conscious leadership movement. These are exciting times to be leading in, for we are experiencing a paradigm movement within leadership and the world of business, there is a growing awareness of the need for change and an expanding thought process of the need for a new way of business leadership, governed by the current economic climate.
These changing times are calling for a different way of leadership which creates productivity and profit by bringing out the potentially of people.
Conscious change requires conscious leaders who understand that they are the driving force of change.
Change in beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, feelings, behaviours and actions. Change that puts people before profit! (and the wisdom to know this approach naturally leads to more profit anyway)
We do not need AI, we need HEI!
To return to Human Emotional Intelligence, which already exists in every one of us.
I know that the symptoms and the circumstances of my experiences must be erased if certainty in any company is to survive.
Eradication is the word, alleviate, elevate, evolve!
Evolve into company values of connection, community, and creation where there are opportunities for all.
Shared initiatives, incentives, added bonuses, team building, the acknowledgement of basic human needs, not to survive but to thrive. For beyond thriving is the activation of potential, beyond emotional and physical safety.
The Art of Being in Business is the education, is the consultancy, that creates a leadership change legacy.
It is complete company change.
It is an interception of spirituality and business.
Conscious change can only come through considering and consolidating a different consciousness.
To truly lead in this way you have to firstly become conscious.
But do we really understand what this means and the commitment and dedication it takes?
Your inner intelligence knows a different way, it holds a different consciousness.
Conscious leadership requires a new way of relating, which must start with how you relate to your Self. For the key to success in your life and your leadership lies only within your Self.
Conscious leadership skills are not found externally, it requires the leader to be an inner seeker, to connect to the wisdom within, to become Self aware.
For Self awareness is the route from which to grow, it is the way that will show you where to go.
The Art of Being is really more than in business, but it is business and leadership that is the focus of my purpose. The art of Being is a deep connection to the true self, the inner intelligence within. It is a returning that works with a process that opens the ways for you to relate in a healthier way that enables you to come into wholeness with yourself. That creates conscious connection, collaboration, community which activates and advances creativity through unleashing the human potential that is within every person.
It starts with a 5 step journey, a Navigation of the Self.
During this navigation you will be presented with many Considerations for Change that must be explored.
These concepts for change enable you to build your own solid and successful structure, personally, professionally, mindfully, emotionally, spiritually. To lead consciously, with wisdom not just intellect, and to navigate with ease the many changes that will be presented in these uncertain times.
Concepts for change that teach a new way to relate in your leadership, that starts with how you relate to your Self, that assist you to drop the ego, to be more heart led, to feel not just think what is important, to collaborate and to come into unity in leadership. This enables you to create solid foundations that assist in bringing certainty to change, that sustain success.
This consultancy and education can be described as a journey of discovery!
There is no end destination, only an infinite road to recovery, into more wisdom and knowledge, into more potential, for you will learn and experience that you are unlimited in your potential and so there is always the next level to seek if you wish.
You will receive the wisdom to relate and lead in a completely new and different way.
Through the Art of Being in Business Consultation Services and Education, I offer everything to consider for a new way of leadership that these times will demand.
Without the consideration you cannot integrate and emerge in the new way of being in business for you will remain in a consciousness that will limit you and your company.
You cannot be conscious in your leadership if you are not firstly conscious with yourself.
It is all about inner work not outer work!
Your consciousness is not found outside of yourself, and yet we live in a world where we are taught that all the answers we seek are found outside of ourselves, we are taught to be external seekers.
To be conscious in your leadership requires a commitment to inner reflection, coming into the art of being, requires stillness, and silence to allow the inner voice to speak, to be heard and to be felt.
My approach focuses on the individual and the company. We explore many concepts for consideration, which starts with you, the leader. How you are being?
We deep dive into your values, your purpose, your ability to relate, your ability to create, your fulfilment, your wholeness, your potential, your thoughts, your feelings, your perception.
We identify what needs to stop and what needs to start.
We transform any pain into gain.
This connection inwards with your own inner intelligence force is a requirement in the very first instance and although this sounds simple, how many of us, especially those of us in corporate leadership, ever have the time to do this?
I know I never had time to pause for thought nor did I feel the need to, for everything aligned with my definition of success, was do, do, do, go, go, go, more, more, more.
In fact, we live in a world were being a fast decision maker is a CV worthy accolade. In our 24/7 fast track world silence, stillness, is not considered.
In my experience you cannot have a sense of anything when you are on the treadmill of the corporate system, it strips and segregates you from and to your Self. To survive an environment that places a mechanical demand upon people to deliver profit like a machine, requires a switching off of the senses.
And conscious leadership requires a switching on of ALL the senses.
To stop.
Which is what I did.
Don't just take my words for it! to quote the words wisely spoken by Albert Einstein, (considered to be the most scientific creative genius of modern times)
"we shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive"
This is a new manner of thinking, that will require you to move beyond your current awareness through a connection to your own higher consciousness, to acknowledge and release the being within, so that you can consider and consolidate the changes that will be presented to you.
Equilibrium is the most important rule of chemistry and creation, balance plays a huge part in this new way of being. (feminine and masculine energy that balances power) For it is only when we come into unity within the Self that we can start to consider and consolidate a new way of being in business, we become open to consider another, and this naturally leads to unity in life and in leadership.
Today we are all out of balance, this creates out of balance power, the out of balance creates pain and fear, which leads to control. When these are the conditions of leadership there is never any true sense of fulfilment or success, which leads to the energy of fear, our world is saturated in fear. As energetic beings we are all affected, directly and indirectly. The other very wise philosophy that underpins all religious teachings is true "what you do unto another, you do unto yourself."
The senses of the being are switched off to avoid the pain, in this we disconnect, we separate from each other and in order to survive the conditions set, the ego self grows to defend itself, leading to the 'out for oneself' mentality in order to survive in the dysfunction. When leadership is underpinned by out of balance, mind fed (all external, so fear based) and ego led, you can see that where we are at now, global crisis, chaos and uncertainty was an inevitable outcome.
Over centuries of time the out of balance has led to a misplaced control and a misuse of an out of balance concept of power, this is why the world is the way it is. People are in pain, the ecology of the species is being destroyed and the planet in is pain, there can be no winners in this game!
And I don't want us all to be losers! I think we are too intelligent, I think that we are all magnificent beings. Even those that are truly misguided in their leadership, I have compassion for, for we are all lost and what they do to others they do unto themselves, their pain must be very great to have switched off all emotional and intellectual consciousness. I would like to help them consider a new way that turns their pain into gain.
The good news is that it does not have to be this way, we can return to a way that it once was.
I know these ways, they underpin my change consultancy. If we reconsider and re define the concepts of leadership aligned with a new manner of thinking, just like Albert says, we can play a different game - one of conscious leadership. Wouldn't that be nice? To quote another genius John Lennon "imagine all the people, living life in peace" you may say I am a dreamer! but more good news, I know I am not the only one, these are times of a evolving consciousness, more people understand and feel the need for change.
Coming into unity, where everyone is simply allowed and supported to be the unique being they are regardless of gender, creed, colour, race or religion is the evolution of humanity and it must start within leadership.
You in your own leadership are an influencer, a trail-blazer, a role model, a changemaker, you carve and weave the path for others to follow, and you set the stage for change.
This new paradigm is calling for a new you, to lead in a new way.
You will need a strong and solid foundation, to find your own structure, solidarity, support and your spirit!
A switch in consciousness is needed to take the journey to become a conscious leader.
You cannot consider the change if you remain in an old way of thinking.
When you begin to consider you are awakening.
When you consolidate you become aware.
When you awaken and become aware you advance.
When you consider and you consolidate you create,
and change is guaranteed.
The depth of meaning, the why of my own return to leadership is to educate support and guide other leaders to consider and consolidate these changes that eradicate pain within the workplace. Change that creates a positive workplace for all, where people come before profit, a returning to unity, far beyond equality. This is conscious leadership.
Leadership and a workplace where there is no dis-ease and pain, where people are not denied their potential - what should in today's modern world be a basic human right - the right to thrive. We are no longer living the Dark Ages of history but has the story really changed that much? People are still exploited, used, abused, disregarded and discarded.
Leadership and a workplace where the culture does not breed an unhealthy toxic environment, where ways of relating to each other are not considered, lack honour and respect and rank the importance and significance of people by the hierarchical box they sit in, that creates division and divide. Where fear based competition, trampling on each other to be the best, to be a success, is the norm.
Instead there is a new way of relating with care, kindness, compassion and an understanding of humanity, where all people are valued for the contribution they make to the whole. A new structure that provides connection, collaboration and a sense of community and commonality, to create a new definition of success, to deliver an outcome aligned with a meaningful sense of purpose that is felt by the whole of the workforce and that maximises profit of course, for this is the world of business.
I am a consultant who makes a mark for people (productivity and profit) that allows the potential of everyone to come into fulfilment.
It is my passion and purpose to create change in leadership where productivity and profit is maximised through a new approach. One that PROMOTES THE POTENTIAL of every person.
I am passionate about helping others in leadership positions to rise out of the dis-ease they may be experiencing, or to avoid the pain and pitfalls that I experienced by connecting to their own sense of Self, their own why, unique, and special purpose.
I am passionate about people, purpose, potential! and educating others how to access this and their own prosperity. To teach that when you know its laws, you can become unlimited. To support others to rise into their unlimited potential in their life and leadership through a process of identification to emergence of their magnificent and unique Self. Knowing yourself and being your Self is what enables you to live a purposeful and joyful life and lead in a new way.
I am passionate about addressing the imbalance we have in todays leadership that govern and shape today’s world, through an education upon the priority and importance of the return of feminine attributes of power and decision making.
Companies and corporate organisations will need to consider their values,
ethics and ethos through 4 core Considerations for Change.
As a female leader with over 20 years experience within global Fortune 500 companies, I saw a need and felt a calling for change. The focus of my corporate career was in the field of Relationship Management and therefore perhaps not surprisingly, a new way of how to relate forms the heart of my company.
As we enter this new paradigm of business dynamics, in your leadership role you will be called to work differently, with an expanded consciousness and awareness, to return to leadership that is grounded in the principles of how YOU RELATE.
This is a way of relating that weaves wealth for everyone, a new understanding of how to relate is the new wealth!
For unless you can relate in a different way, that promotes an energetic frequency through a sense of belonging, UNITY, as you work beyond fairness, where the ego false sense of self is left behind, and the spirit of your wisdom comes forth, that knows how to create in a way where everyone gains, there will be no change.
You do not need my words to know that radical, drastic change is urgent.
This is a way that brings kindness, compassion, community, consideration, connection and a creation that provides for everyone, that places people before profit.
That brings prosperity to all, potential to all and purpose to all, it is not an ‘out for myself’ approach.
There are 5 major relationships that enable a person to excel.
The relationship to your Self, to purpose, to others, to planet and to the infinite intelligence force, the Universe that we are all connected to.
All must be considered to lead in a completely different way.
My offering is for business leaders who feel this calling to be different and to create a difference. To make the difference real!
That know they are the driving force behind delivering change and that conscious change starts with them.
To take the journey to change their own consciousness, to seek the truth of their leadership positioning, to do the inner work to release any attributes that create no gain, to get clear on their own purpose and mission.
I invite you to consider these questions - are you:
A leader who wishes to disconnect from the disease and dysfunction of current modalities and modern structures and be a pioneer and role model for a higher consciousness, which is what it will take to truly be a conscious leader.
A Leader who is ready to return to HOW to lead in the true spirit of leadership, with:
A Leader who knows that a new leadership concept, structure and culture must be set in order to thrive, not merely survive.
A Leader who wants to make a mark and leave a lasting legacy of change through creating a conscious culture based on Company, Connection, Community and Creation.
If you feel it is your time for change, to invest in your own growth and development, personally and professionally as a conscious business leader, please get in touch.
Change comes from one person and as each person changes and finds a different set of conditions that creates and supports each individual sense of Being, the collective change starts to occur.
In time a collective consciousness for change will change everything....
For more considerations for change in business leadership, I have published a book, aptly called Consider - sowing the seeds for change in business leadership. It is available to purchase from all online book retailers, including, where it is also available in Kindle version.
Sign up to my mailing list to receive updates on new courses and business programmes, events and Considerations for Change to aid, guide and support you wherever you are on your Leadership journey.
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